List of Biennials and International Prize Awards:

1) International Prize Tiepolo Awardee (my 1st Arte Milano award) - Milan, Italy (April 21, 2016); 2) International Prize Colosseo (Artist in History) - Brancaccio Palace - Rome, Italy (May 20, 2016); 3) Shakespeare In Art Award at the 1st Triennale in Contemporary Art - Verona, Italy (June 9-11, 2016); 4) Venice in Art (Casanova in Art Awardee) - Flangini Palace - Venice, Italy (September 17, 2016); 5) Critically Acclaimed Contemporaries at Uffizi (Contemporary Artist Awardee) - Uffizi Gallery Museum & Ximenes Palace in Florence, Italy (November 11-13, 2016); 6) International Prize Award Galileo Galilei Awardee - Pisa, Italy (January 22, 2017); 7) Awardee of International Prize Cristoforo Colombo in Genova-Genoa (an Art Explorer Awardee) - Genova Aquarium in Genova (February 16-18, 2017); 8) International Award Dante Alighierri Prize Awardee - Biennale Peschiera del Garda, Italy (April 1 2017); 9) Chosen or Cited as Top 100 International Artists for 2016 By VIDA E-Commerce Shop - (San Francisco, California, USA); 10) International Award Francisco Goya Prize Awardee - Hall of Mirrors at the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona, Spain (May 6, 2017); 11) ART EXPO ROME CARAVAGGIO PRIZE: Awardee of International Award Michaelangelo de / di Caravaggio - An International Award Caravaggio Experience - Salle Del Bramante at Piazza del Popolo, Roma (May 26 - May 29, 2017); 12) Premio Internazionale Milan Art Awards Awardee (my 2nd arte milano award) - The very First International Milan Art Awards -Theater Del Verme, Milan (July 25, 2017); 13) A part of - "The Best 2017 Modern & Contemporary Artists" an Effeto Arte curated by Salvatore Russo & Francesco Saverio Russo "Premio Internazionale Berlino" with Official Presentation of Art Volume - Berlin at Franzosische Friedrichsadtkirche Georges Casalis room (September 24, 2017); 14) a part of Art Exhibition: Segnalati I in Berlin (September 2017); 15) Silver Artist Awardee of VIDA E-Commerce Voice and VIDA (dolce) Artist Discovery Showcase - San Francisco, California, USA (September 30, 2017); 16) Awardee of International Prize Award Andrea Mantegna - Biennale Mantua, Francesco Gonzaga Museum, Mantua, Italy (November 2017); 17) il Genio dell' Arte 2017 (Prize) Awardee {the Genuis in Art 2017) with Art International Contemporary Magazine (Paler{o}mo, Italy) - October 2017 release {November / December 2017 publication}; 18) a mini part with Miami meets Milano {International Art Milan / Arte Milano Exhibition} - Hotel Victor, Miami Beach, Florida, USA with El Russo and Spoleto Arte: on Biennale Milano (an Art Milan) {December 6 - 10, 2017}; 19) International Prize Leonardo Da Vinci (the Universal Artist Award) Awardee for 2018 - Borghese Palace, Florence (Firenze), Italy (January 20, 2018); 20) Biennale della Nazioni (United Nations Biennal - International Artists Awards 2018 Awardee) – Miseracordia Complex, Venice (March 16-19, 2018); International Prize Award of Nations (Tribute to Tiziano),
Scuola Grande della Misericordia Palace in Venice (March 19, 2018); 21) New Art Masters 2018 Catalogue (United Kingdom), only waiting now for the catalogue's release with; 22) Premio Canaletto Awardee (one of the 15 awardees) – Spoleto Pavillion, Venezia (May 29, 2018); 23) International Prize Raffaello Awardee 2018 - Bologna, Italy (May 4, 2018); 24) International Prize Guilio Cesare Awardee 2018 - Velli Palace, Rome (July 7, 2018).

{-[-(--- my artisianl goals below: ---)-]-}
to create, to aspire, to design, to inspire and hopefully continue to reach new heights in this crafting hobby]
[NEEDLE CRAFTING GOAL: to create, to aspire, to design for gifts and give-aways of friends and loved ones]
[CULINARY & BAKING GOAL: to aspire, to indulge, prepare & bake and hopefully . . . learn to bake fondant & go full blast on this culinary endeavour]

Kerygma Books by Shepherd's Voice Publishing


Thursday, July 5, 2018

One of the 15 Premio Canaletto Awardees 2018


"nel contesto della Biennale di Venezia,
con l'occasione si festeggerà il compleanno del Professore"

- excerpt from email news sent 
by Spoleto Arte with Spoleto Arte's professors

Received email invite and service conferment last February 20, 2018 . . . took time for to chance upon my online language translator to be actively translating, my translator i chanced upon ready only today, a few minutes ago, February 25, 2018 . . . i'm still trying to make sense of the contract (the contratto opere) . . . hope to send correspondence (just a reply and perhaps my answer with my documents if needed) . . . seeing this as culmination of the Arte Milano Biennale (the caravan) . . with all the signatories of the parchment paper certificate. . . . and paving way for . . . First Milan Awards . . . not sure if the one i was with for the past 2 years was already it. . . 
bests and thanks, 
- kathleen margaret charity b. hernandez 
creo by lady katutz (cblk)

"La mostra presentata da Vittorio Sgarbi
vedrà la partecipazione del soprano Katia Ricciarelli,
José Dalì, figlio di Salvador Dalì,
Alberto D'Atanasio del museo Modigliani,
Paolo Liguori direttore di TG Com,
della direttrice di «Chi» Silvana Giacobini
e molte altre grandi personalità."

- excerpt from email news sent 
by Spoleto Arte with Spoleto Arte's professors

February 26, 2018: - i've signed today . . . hope to get to my correspondence and payment remittance to do. . . . looking at my 2 alternative since yesterday . . . going for my traditional payment remittance facility first, . . if not the 2nd alternative if i can get to my museum community to notify with these, validation and confirmation done and accomplished by myself by each museo too . . . 
- kathleen margaret charity b. hernandez 
creo by lady katutz (cblk)

"Gentile Artista,
vista la Sua produzione artistica ed il Suo talento
è stato selezionato per ricevere il prestigioso 
Un riconoscimento per artisti, professionisti, imprenditori,
conferito da Alberto D’Atanasio direttore del Museo Modigliani,
dal manager della cultura Salvo Nugnes,
da Veronica Ferretti del Museo Buonarroti
e dalla nota stilista Roberta Camerino."

"L'evento verrà pubblicizzato su numerose riviste di settore compresa ARTE e anche da numerose emittenti televisive
quali TG COM 24 e SKY ARTE
Rimangono ancora 
per poter esporre nel 
ed entrare così nel prestigioso

- Ponte di Rialto 
- Dorsoduro, vicino al Teatro La Fenice"

- excerpt from email news sent 
by Spoleto Arte with Spoleto Arte's professors

A prestigious award awarded in the heart of Venezia.

"PRO BIENNALE presentata da Vittorio Sgarbi
nel contesto della Biennale di Venezia, con l'occasione
si festeggerà il compleanno del Professore con ospiti illustri e
importanti direttori di musei.
Palazzo Grifalconi Loredan, dall’8 al 29 maggio 2018

SPOLETO ARTE a cura di Vittorio Sgarbi
nel contesto del famoso Festival internazionale dei Due Mondi
con centinaia di migliaia di presenze da tutto il mondo.
Palazzo Leti Sansi, dal 30 giugno al 25 luglio 2018 

- excerpt from email invitation sent 
by Italy curator Dott. Salvatroe Russo

Le tue opere saranno pubblicate sul prestigioso

I wasn't able to be in attendance to the event,
but gracing the biennale
is my handmade art card work
as Kathleen B. Hernandez of Creo by Lady Katutz (CBLK):

Artwork Title: Sweet Life
- handmade art card work -

- a part of 
my Creo by Lady Katutz (CBLK) Art Series I: Sweet Life
artist: kathleen margaret charity b. hernandez
creo by lady katutz (cblk)
- already released unto fashion art up to leather goods with my
- already released unto fashion art up to produit art (product art) with my
- with my main artwork in digital art a part of the International Prize Colosseo Awardees shown
in Rome with the Associazione Socio-Culturale Editore EA Team and the curators.

Artwork Title: Sweet Life Art Prints
- art prints collection -

- a part of 
my Creo by Lady Katutz (CBLK) Art Series I: Sweet Life
artist: kathleen margaret charity b. hernandez
creo by lady katutz (cblk)
- already released unto home and office styling art goods (also produit artisti arte) with my
- with my main artwork in digital art a part of the International Prize Colosseo Awardees shown 
in Rome with the Associazione Socio-Culturale Editore EA Team and the curators.

Artwork Title: Sweet Life Canvas Wall Art
- a decorative wall artwork -

- a part of 
my Creo by Lady Katutz (CBLK) Art Series I: Sweet Life
artist: kathleen margaret charity b. hernandez
creo by lady katutz (cblk)
- already released unto fashion art up to leather goods with my
- already released unto home and office styling fashion art up to produit art (product art) with my
- with my main artwork in digital art a part of the International Prize Colosseo Awardees shown
in Rome with the Associazione Socio-Culturale Editore EA Team and the curators.

Artwork Title: Sweet Life Glass Plaque Art
- a glass art ware artworks collection -

- a part of 
my Creo by Lady Katutz (CBLK) Art Series I: Sweet Life
artist: kathleen margaret charity b. hernandez
creo by lady katutz (cblk)
- already released unto fashion art up to leather goods with my
- already released unto home and office styling fashion art up to produit art (product art) with my
- with my main artwork in digital art a part of the International Prize Colosseo Awardees shown
in Rome with the Associazione Socio-Culturale Editore EA Team and the curators.

The Whole Collection under my Sweet Life Fashion Art:

Artwork Title: Sweet Life Fashion Collage Artworks
- an editorial lifetstyle modelling collage art-works collection -

- a part of 
my Creo by Lady Katutz (CBLK) Art Series I: Sweet Life
artist: kathleen margaret charity b. hernandez
creo by lady katutz design (cblkd)
under creo by lady katutz (cblk)
- already released unto fashion art up to leather goods with my
- already released unto home and office styling fashion art up to produit art (product art) with my
- with my main artwork in digital art a part of the International Prize Colosseo Awardees shown
in Rome with the Associazione Socio-Culturale Editore EA Team and the curators.


Creo by Lady Katutz (CBLK), eas

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